chargeFUZE Charging Kiosks

September 25, 2022

When you are organizing an event like a trade show, the first thing you want to set your mind to is customer service and amenities. The space, the booths, the floorplan are all very important, but if your attendees can’t get food or go to the bathroom, then they aren’t going to stay for very long. Having access to their cell phones can fall into this category now. A cell phone has become an essential device for almost everyone, and if they have kids at the event with them who also have cell phones, even more so. When you are planning your event, look at the charging kiosk or other charging solutions for devices so your attendees can not only eat, and use the washroom, but also charge their phones. This guarantees a successful venue with attendees sticking around for a long time.

Three places where portable charging stations are a must


When you run a business like a restaurant, bar, or club, the one thing you don’t want is anyone leaving early because they need to charge their phone. With the chargeFUZE mobile charging kiosk, your customers can charge their phones at their tables or on the dance floor and never miss a tweet. When your clientele is secure knowing they have complete access to their friends, family, and social media feeds, they are more likely to stay longer, entice some friends to join them, and spend more money. Plus, you get a percentage from every rental of the charging kiosks for businesses so that is some nice extra revenue at the end of the night. Extra amenities like portable mobile chargers means they are more likely to leave a great review and take lots of pictures which is free advertising for you. The 5-unit stations are suitable for smaller businesses.

Other benefits to businesses:

Drive more traffic with the chargeFUZE app.

Portable mobile charging means more amenities for customers. That equals increased customer satisfaction and repeat business

Stadiums and Venues

No one wants to run out of battery when they go to a sporting event or a concert. No matter how powerful your phone is, if you are taking video of the event, you will likely start to see that ‘battery low’ light in the corner of your screen.  The charging kiosks for events has charging units that are available for rent. Your attendees can use the chargeFUZE app to rent the unit right when they get there so they can have a worry-free experience. They don’t have to spend any time away from where the action is unless they want to. If they are with other people, they can feel confident that their phone will be active should anyone get lost, or if something cool is happening on the other side of the venue. They can easily return the unit to the phone charging kiosk they got it from or any others. These stations come in 25-unit and 45- unit stations which are suitable for a large venue. When these stations are strategically placed, the attendees can grab one as they come in and deposit it at any station on their way out.

Festivals and Events

One benefit of the charging stations for festivals and events is the screen that the festival organizers can use for their sponsors of the charging stations. chargeFUZE has worked on many sponsorships so that your sponsor is happy with their name appearing on the stations. The chargers themselves can also be branded so the name of the advertiser or sponsor can be everywhere and featured on these revolutionary power units. This is an extra income stream for organizers and coupled with the percentage you make on the rentals, can make your events more profitable and fun.

Other benefits of portable charging units:

  • They come with lightning, micro-USB, and type-C chargers so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues when you want to charge.
  • There are no charging lockers that you need to leave your phone in. You can just take the charger and go without having to worry about being without your phone.
  • You can return the charging unit to any of the charging stations. If your venue has an entrance in one area and an exit on the other side of the stadium, your attendees don’t need to worry about making their way back, they can use any station along the way.

When it comes to our phones, we are lost without them. So don’t panic when you see the red battery light on your phone when you are out, just grab a portable charger from chargeFUZE.

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